A king and a queen live in a large palace. They have a beautiful daughter. Her hair is like gold. The king and queen love her very much. They give her many nice toys. 所有故事内容均礼聘美籍专家编撰,原汁原味,由赖世雄老师提纲规范句型及用字深度,由浅入深。(本书属于中级) 初级:一律采用现在式单句写作,句型简单易学,偶用连接词,延伸句意,增进故事流畅性。 中级:开始加入其它时态写作。另外辅以连接词的运用,逐渐提升小朋友的阅读能力。 高级:改采一般时态,切合正式写作应有的正确时态,惟句型力求简洁顺畅,方便小朋友模仿学习。
- 1 A king and a queen live in a large palace.
- 2 Now, it is summer time.
- 3 The princess has a golden ball.
- 4 One day, the princess is playing with her ball.
- 5 The ball flies through the air.
- 6 The princess watches her ball.
- 7 The princess hears a voice.
- 8 The frog wants to help the princess.
- 9 The frog doesn't want to have those pretty things.
- 10 The princess quickly agrees.
- 11 The princess is very happy.
- 12 The princess doesn't stop running.
- 13 That evening,
- 14 The princess runs to the door.
- 15 The king and queen look at the princess.
- 16 The princess tells her parents about
- 17 Suddenly, there is more knocking at the door.
- 18 The princess turns white again.
- 19 Again, the king tells her to open the door.
- 20 The princess puts the frog on the table.
- 21 Finally, the frog stops eating.
- 22 The princess begins to cry.
- 23 The princess must obey the king.
- 24 The princess sighs.
- 25 The frog doesn't want to sleep in the closet.
- 26 The frog knocks on the door again and again.
- 27 The princess lets the frog out of the closet.
- 28 The next morning,
- 29 Sadly,
- 30 The next morning, the frog returns to the pond.
- 31 The next morning, the princess looks at her pillow.