
So the wolf went away again to the baker's and said, "Baker, I have strained my ankles. Please wrap them in dough." And after the baker did this, he went off to the miller and asked him to cover his feet with flour. The miller was scared of the wolf, so he did what the wolf wanted and sent him away.

Now the wicked animal went to the house for the third time and said, "Open the door, dear children. It is your mother this time. I have brought you something from the forest."

"Show us your feet," said the little kids, "and we will know whether you are really our mother." The wolf placed his white feet on the window.

When they all saw it, they believed that it was their mother, so they opened the door. But when he entered the house, they discovered that it was the wolf, and they screamed and ran to hide themselves.

One hid under the table, another in the bed, the third in the oven, the fourth in the kitchen, the fifth in the cupboard, the sixth under thewashtub, and the seventh in the clock case.

But the wolf found six, and ate them up one after another, except the youngest, in the clock case. The wolf lay down in the green meadow under a tree and fell fast asleep.





