
The land was called Lilliput. The emperor of Lilliput told his men to make a very big cart, because he wanted to take me to the capital city.

They had many carts for carrying trees. They also had some larger carts for taking the ships down to the sea.

  Five hundred carpenters worked to put many of these carts together, and soon they made one big cart. It was seven feet long and four feet wide, and it had twenty-two wheels.

  Tiny horses pulled the cart up to my side. They had to raise me and put me on it. Nine hundred men worked for three hours, and at last they raised me onto the cart. Fifteen hundred of the emperor's largest horses were used to pull me to the city. It was half a mile away. All day the horses pulled the cart along the road.

  In the evening they stopped and rested. At night there were five hundred men on each side of me. They had bows and arrows. They were ready to shoot me if I tried to move.

  The next morning we went on, and at noon we were near the gates of the city. When we got to the gates of the city, the emperor came out to meet me.

  There was an old temple not far away from the city. It was the largest temple in the whole country, and the emperor told his men to take me there. The big gate in front was about four feet high and two feet wide.

The emperor's men cut the ropes which tied me to the cart. But they tied my left foot to the ground with very strong chains. I could not run away.

I stood up and all the people were astonished because I was so big. I looked at the fields and houses around me. The country was like a garden. Everything was very small. The tallest tree in the country was only seven feet high.

  Then I crept into the temple and lay on the floor because there was no bed. And the emperor told his men to make me a big bed. They carried six hundred of their little beds to the temple and fastened them together. The bed was finished soon.





