
When the forty thieves returned to the cave, they were astonished to find that the dead body and several money bags had disappeared. "We have certainly been discovered," said the chief. "We have killed one; we must now find the other who knows our secret." He told one of his men to dress himself as a traveler and enter the town.

  The thief greeted the cobbler and said, "Old man, can you repair shoes at your age?"

  "Though I am old," said the cobbler, "I have very good eyes, and you will believe me when I tell you that I sewed a dead body together in a dark place."

  The thief was glad to hear that. He gave the cobbler a gold coin and had the man show him Cassim's house. On the door the thief put a mark with a piece of chalk.

  When Morgiana saw the white mark on the door, she was afraid something bad would happen. So she put the same mark on five or six houses.

  The thief told the chief of his discovery. The chief told him to lead them to the house. But when they came to it, they saw five or six houses were chalked in the same manner. They could not tell which house Cassim's was, and had to return to the cave.

  The chief sent another thief to the town as a spy. He also had the cobbler lead him to the house and marked the house in red chalk. But Morgiana was too clever for the thieves. They found, as before, that five or six houses were marked. When they returned to the cave, the first and the second spies were put to death.

  Now the chief decided to go himself. As he was wiser than the other thieves, he did not mark the house. He looked at it closely enough to remember it.

  He returned and told his men to buy nineteen  mules and thirty-eight leather jars, one full of oil and the others empty. He put one man into each jar with his weapon, and led the nineteen mules into the town with his thirty-seven men and one jar of oil on their backs. They reached the town before it got dark.








