7 ChooseBetween Formal and Casual在正式与非正式间做选择
Makesure the vocabulary you choose is appropriate to the situation.
Usetitles (Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.) in formal correspondence. Avoid slang and
emoticons(such as "smilies") unless the e-mails are informal messages
betweencoworkers or friends. In addition, the type of abbreviated
vocabulary- e.g. "c u" (see you), "Gr8" (great) – shouldn't beincluded in
此外,缩写词汇如“c u”(音似see you 表“再见”),“Gr8”(音似great 表“太棒了”)
8 Copy and Paste If You Can尽量使用复制粘贴
If theinformation you want to send is not too long, consider copying it
andthen pasting it into your e-mail rather than attaching a document as
anattachment. Attachments need to be opened in separate files, such as
Wordor Adobe Acrobat, and can be a bit time-consuming for the recipient
toaccess. As well, attachments may be worrying for recipients if they
don'tknow the sender very well. In fact, some businesses refuse to accept
attachmentsfor fear of being infected by a virus.
附件需要分别用Word 或Adobe Acrobat 才能开启,这可能会让收件者在取得数据时
9 Take the Time to Proofread要花时间进行校对
Proofreadingyour e-mail before hitting the send button can save you from
makingmany careless and embarrassing mistakes, such as spelling the
person'sname incorrectly. It's good to get into the habit of re-reading your
e-mailsat least once before sending them. Correspondence that is riddled
withtypos and wrong information creates the impression you are sloppy
andperhaps even lazy.