10 WatchWhat You Write小心你所写的内容
E-mailingmay not be as private as you think. If you are at work, the boss
mightbe secretly looking at the e-mails you are sending and receiving.
Evenif you are e-mailing at home, a hacker might have found a way to
hackinto your system and take a peek.
11 Respect People's Privacy尊重他人隐私
Whensending out a mass e-mail, it's often a good idea to use the BCC
(BlindCarbon Copy) function so that others can't see all of the e-mail
addressesof the people you sent the e-mail to. For one thing, using the
BCCsuggests that you are writing an e-mail to just one recipient, rather
thanfiring off the same piece of correspondence to many people, therefore
makingit less impersonal. For another, some people may not want
strangersto know their private e-mail address.
12 Be Careful with Those Buttons 小心那些按键
Don'tmake the mistake of hitting the "Reply All" button if you only wantone
personto receive your e-mail. This is especially true if you are criticizing
someonewho happens to be on that "Reply All" list.