Cut a percentage point in your milk.

Which of these four 8. -ounce glasses of milk do you really want to drink?
1. Whole milk with 150 calories and 8. .2 grams of fat.
2. 2% reduced-fat milk with 121 calories and 4.7. . grams of fat.
3. 1% low-fat milk with 102 calories and 2.6. grams of fat.
4. Skim milk with 8. 6. calories and 0.4 grams of fat.
“Substituting lower-fat milk for the regular stuff is one of the easiest diet tricks ever,” says Alice Sydel, a stocky-no-more high school gym teacher. “I made the switch slowly, starting out with 2% milk, then going to 1%. Now I’m down to skim milk. I thought I’d miss the creamy taste, but in cereal I don’t. When I drink it straight out of a glass, I drink 1%. But I’m drinking a lot fewer calories and much less fat.
1.含150卡热量及8. .2公克脂肪的全脂牛奶。
2.含2%脂肪、121卡热量及4.7. . 公克脂肪的牛奶。
3.含102卡热量及2.6. 公克脂肪的1%低脂牛奶。
4.含8. 6. 卡热量及0.4公克脂肪的脱脂牛奶。
“以低脂牛奶来取代一般牛奶是最简单的节食技俩之一。”一位身材不再像从前一样粗壮的体操老师爱莉丝席黛尔如是说。 “我慢慢地改变喝牛奶习惯,从喝2%脂肪的牛奶开始,然后改喝1%脂肪的牛奶。现在我已只喝脱脂牛奶了。我以为我会想念全脂牛奶的味道,但脱脂牛奶和麦片一起食用时我就不会了。当我光喝牛奶时,我会喝含1%脂肪的牛奶。但我喝下的热量和脂肪量少多了。”


Cut a percentage point in your milk.
